Tag Archives: Nightlife

Fishbowl Birthdays Because I’m an Adult

Fishbowls are a right of passage.


Unfortunately (or not), I missed out on this opportunity during the time when most people make the majority of their bad decisions i.e., college.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made plenty of bad decisions. I once took my dad’s old car for a drive through our field with a bunch of friends. To this day, I’m still not sure which donut turn was the one that ultimately left the wheel and axle in shambles (and the car unable to remain in the parked position), but thankfully my dad managed to not murder me when he came home to find his little red Mercury Topaz dead in the middle of the yard.

I’ve also had my share of irresponsible nights of drinking. By irresponsible, I do not imply that I drove when I shouldn’t have or woke up next to someone I didn’t know. However, I do recall one night in particular when I did a shot of something called “Snake Bite”, which I later found out is a mixture of Tequila, Whiskey and lime. It tasted like a bad decision going down. Never. Again.

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